Saturday, July 8, 2017


I have done Fall, Winter, and now Summer family portraits with this wonderful family, and they are one of my favorite families to shoot. Their sweet boys aren't always fans of family picture time, (boys rarely are :), but we always manage to have a fun time, and I love catching up with them & seeing how much the boys have grown since our last session.
 Sara had the awesome idea of doing their session on the lot their house will soon be built on! After seeing where their future home will be, I must admit, I am a tad envious of them. It is such a beautiful area!
 Bet from these cute smiles you can't guess which boy protested pictures this go round!

 Bribery and silly faces works almost every time :)

 First time I took this kiddo's picture, he was only a few years old! Now look how grown up he is!

 Seriously, such fun sweet kids!

 Below is an example of bribery... if they gave me some of their best smiles they got to blow the seeds off the giant dandelion looking plant :)
 Give a boy a rock and he will throw it. It's just what they do, and it makes them happy :).

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