Saturday, April 16, 2011


Kamryn is the sweet little princess of our friends Jeff & Haley.  Isn't she gorgeous?! (OK, so scroll down and then I repeat, Isn't she gorgeous?!) We jumped around on dates to do this photo session and finally landed on the Saturday of conference weekend.  The temple was closed because of conference of course, which was great because then I didn't have to worry about people wandering in my backgrounds, but not so great since then the grounds were all locked up!  So we quickly came up with a plan B and decided to do some down at the American Fork Amphitheater that had one small patch of daffodils in full bloom.  I was happy and almost fully satisfied with my plan B, then I saw Kamryn get out of the car with tears streaming down her little face that was blotchy red from upset...this was definitely not suitable for happy princess pictures.  Apparently there had been an incident at home with the accidental breaking of one of her favorite necklaces...way to go Mom! ;)  We spent a few minutes getting Kamryn to calm down and be happy, well actually the only thing that worked in getting her calmed down and happy was her Mother's promise to take her to Hobby Lobby after the photo shoot, (this family loves crafting :) !

So with Kamryn now in the mood for some smiley princess pictures in her beautiful white baptism dress, we decided to get things rolling, and we thought we should act fast since there were gray storm clouds rapidly closing in above.

  Haley says Kamryn has "bear paw feet like her father".  Well I think they are pretty cute little bear paw feet :)
 Remember how much fun it was to twirl in your Sunday dress? Oh how I miss being little sometimes!

 Little brother Jack was being a character playing in the parking lot so I had to snap a couple shots of his funniness.
 Too bad his Mom had brought him along in his scroungy state, cause he was being a pretty good baby for pictures!
 Thank heaven for this lovely patch of daffodils and their strong desire to sprout and bloom in spite of the chilly weather that has filled this Spring!
 OK, so I am one of the worst decision makers of all time & here is a small sample of that: I couldn't decide, full color? or pastels? so I chose both.

 Check out her melt-your-heart eyes!
This is only my 2nd time of taking pictures of a little princess in her baptism dress, and I must say I hope I get to do a lot more.  I love how it truly shows in these little girls' eyes how special they feel all dressed up and having everything be about them.

1 comment:

Amy Devey Ripple said...

You always amaze me with your photography! I love all of the pics, I wish I had just a tiny slice of your talent when it came to taking photos.